At SSA we take the health and safety of our clients, instructors, visitors and students very seriously. For this reason we have adopted new rules and standards for all classes:
- All SSA participants will take their temperatures before coming to the studios and stay home if sick or if temperature exceeds 100 degrees.
- Everyone will maintain social distancing, wash hands, manage their own art supplies and dispose of their own trash.
- Instructors and students not at their easels (or when sharing work spaces for instructional purposes) will wear personal masks covering nose and mouth. All guests, regardless of age, will follow these same rules regarding social distancing and masks. Please bring your own masks from home; only emergency masks will be available at SSA.
- SSA participants will inform SSA if they or their guests visiting SSA become sick with COVID-19, have its symptoms, or are identified as contagious. SSA will notify the SSA community within 24 hours of the report.
- SSA will disinfect all bathrooms And high-touch surfaces daily. Students will wipe down their easels and taborets before returning them to storage areas. SSA will provide disinfectant wipes for this purpose.
We are excited about our reopening and expect that all these rules will soon become second nature at SSA. That said, our indoor classes will necessarily remain small for the foreseeable future. When outdoors, class sizes may grow, but we ask that the above rules still be followed regarding distancing, mask-wearing, and the like. Thank you!